

Compute hyperbolic sine of x


julia> sinh(0)

julia> sinh(1)

julia> sinh(-1)

julia> sinh(2.5)

julia> sinh(-2.5)

The sinh function computes the hyperbolic sine of the input x. It returns the result as a floating-point number.

Here are some common examples of using the sinh function:

  1. Calculate the hyperbolic sine of zero:

    julia> sinh(0)

    The hyperbolic sine of zero is zero.

  2. Compute the hyperbolic sine of a positive number:

    julia> sinh(1)

    The hyperbolic sine of 1 is approximately 1.1752011936438014.

  3. Calculate the hyperbolic sine of a negative number:

    julia> sinh(-1)

    The hyperbolic sine of -1 is approximately -1.1752011936438014.

  4. Find the hyperbolic sine of a non-integer value:

    julia> sinh(2.5)

    The hyperbolic sine of 2.5 is approximately 6.050204481985396.

  5. Compute the hyperbolic sine of a negative non-integer value:
    julia> sinh(-2.5)

    The hyperbolic sine of -2.5 is approximately -6.050204481985396.

Note: The sinh function is part of Julia's mathematical functions and is used to compute the hyperbolic sine.

See Also

acos, acosd, acosh, acot, acotd, acoth, acsc, acscd, acsch, asec, asecd, asech, asin, asind, asinh, atan, atan2, atand, atanh, cos, cosc, cosd, cosh, cospi, cot, cotd, coth, csc, cscd, csch, deg2rad, rad2deg, sin, sinc, sind, sinh, sinpi, tan, tand, tanh,

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