

Compute the hyperbolic cosecant of x


In the Julia programming language, the function csch(x) is used to compute the hyperbolic cosecant of x. It calculates the reciprocal of the hyperbolic sine function.

julia> csch(2.0)

Here are a few examples of how the csch function can be used:

  1. Calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of a scalar value:

    julia> csch(1.5)

    This example computes the hyperbolic cosecant of the scalar value 1.5.

  2. Compute the hyperbolic cosecant of an array of values:

    julia> arr = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
    julia> csch.(arr)
    4-element Array{Float64,1}:

    Here, the csch function is applied element-wise to each value in the array arr.

  3. Use the hyperbolic cosecant in mathematical expressions:
    julia> x = 0.5;
    julia> result = 2 * csch(2 * x);
    julia> result

    In this example, the hyperbolic cosecant is used in a mathematical expression to calculate the value of result.

Please note that the csch function returns Float64 values and can be applied to both scalar values and arrays.

See Also

acos, acosd, acosh, acot, acotd, acoth, acsc, acscd, acsch, asec, asecd, asech, asin, asind, asinh, atan, atan2, atand, atanh, cos, cosc, cosd, cosh, cospi, cot, cotd, coth, csc, cscd, csch, deg2rad, rad2deg, sin, sinc, sind, sinh, sinpi, tan, tand, tanh,

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