
div(x, y) ÷(x, y)

The quotient from Euclidean division. Computes x/y, truncated to an integer.


  1. Perform Euclidean division:

    julia> div(10, 3)

    This example performs Euclidean division of 10 by 3, resulting in the quotient 3.

  2. Handle negative numbers:

    julia> div(-10, 3)

    The div function can handle negative numbers as well. In this example, it computes the quotient of -10 divided by 3, resulting in -3.

  3. Truncate decimal values:
    julia> div(17, 5)

    The div function truncates the decimal part of the division result. Here, 17 divided by 5 is 3.4, but the decimal part is discarded, resulting in the quotient 3.

Common mistake example:

julia> div(10, 0)
ERROR: DivideError: integer division error

In this example, division by zero is attempted, which is not allowed. It's important to ensure that the divisor (y) is not zero to avoid such errors. Always make sure the divisor is a non-zero value when using the div function.

See Also

abs2, beta, binomial, ceil, cell, cross, ctranspose, ctranspose!, cummin, cumprod, cumprod!, cumsum, cumsum!, cumsum_kbn, div, divrem, eigfact, eigfact!, eigmin, eps, erf, erfc, erfcinv, erfcx, erfi, erfinv, exp, exp10, exp2, expm1, exponent, factor, factorial, factorize, floor, gcd, invmod, log, log10, log1p, log2, logspace, max, min, mod, mod1, modf, next, nextpow, nextprod, num, primes, primesmask, prod, realmin, sqrt, sum!, sumabs, sumabs!, sumabs2, sumabs2!,

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