utf8(::Ptr{UInt8}, length::Int = 1)
utf8(::Ptr{UInt8}, [length])
Create a UTF-8 string from the address of a C (0-terminated) string encoded in UTF-8. A copy is made; the ptr can be safely freed. If length
is specified, the string does not have to be 0-terminated.
julia> utf8("hello")
5-element Array{UInt8,1}:
Convert a string to a UTF-8 byte array:
julia> utf8("julia") 5-element Array{UInt8,1}: 0x6a 0x75 0x6c 0x69 0x61
This example converts the string "julia" into a contiguous UTF-8 byte array.
Handle special characters and emojis:
julia> utf8("🌍") 4-element Array{UInt8,1}: 0xf0 0x9f 0x8c 0x8d
It correctly handles special characters and emojis, converting them to their corresponding UTF-8 representation.
- Convert an empty string:
julia> utf8("") 0-element Array{UInt8,1}
When an empty string is provided, it returns an empty UTF-8 byte array.
Common mistake example:
julia> utf8("hello 😊")
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid UTF-8 sequence of bytes
In this example, the input string contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence of bytes. Make sure that all characters in the string are valid UTF-8 characters to avoid this error.
See Also
ascii, base64decode, Base64DecodePipe, base64encode, Base64EncodePipe, bin, bits, bytestring, charwidth, chomp, chop, chr2ind, contains, endswith, escape_string, graphemes, ind2chr, iscntrl, istext, isupper, isvalid, join, lcfirst, lowercase, lpad, lstrip, normalize_string, num2hex, parseip, randstring, readuntil, replace, repr, rpad, rsplit, rstrip, search, searchindex, split, startswith, string, stringmime, strip, strwidth, summary, takebuf_string, ucfirst, unescape_string, uppercase, utf16, utf32, utf8, wstring,User Contributed Notes
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