
bin(n, [pad])

Convert an integer to a binary string, optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to.


The bin function in Julia is used to convert an integer to a binary string representation. It also provides an optional argument to specify the number of digits to pad the binary representation.

julia> bin(10)

julia> bin(10, 8)


  1. Convert an integer to binary:

    julia> bin(5)
    julia> bin(42)

    This example converts the integers 5 and 42 to their binary string representations.

  2. Specify padding for binary representation:

    julia> bin(5, 8)
    julia> bin(42, 6)

    Here, the second argument specifies the number of digits to pad the binary representation with leading zeros.

Common mistake example:

julia> bin(7.5)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching bin(::Float64)

In this example, the bin function only works with integers. It is important to provide an integer as an argument to bin to avoid this error.

See Also

ascii, base64decode, Base64DecodePipe, base64encode, Base64EncodePipe, bin, bits, bytestring, charwidth, chomp, chop, chr2ind, contains, endswith, escape_string, graphemes, ind2chr, iscntrl, istext, isupper, isvalid, join, lcfirst, lowercase, lpad, lstrip, normalize_string, num2hex, parseip, randstring, readuntil, replace, repr, rpad, rsplit, rstrip, search, searchindex, split, startswith, string, stringmime, strip, strwidth, summary, takebuf_string, ucfirst, unescape_string, uppercase, utf16, utf32, utf8, wstring,

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