
serialize(stream, value)

Write an arbitrary value to a stream in an opaque format, such that it can be read back by deserialize. The read-back value will be as identical as possible to the original. In general, this process will not work if the reading and writing are done by different versions of Julia, or an instance of Julia with a different system image. Ptr values are serialized as all-zero bit patterns (NULL).


julia> io = IOBuffer();  # Create an IOBuffer to write the serialized data to
julia> serialize(io, [1, 2, 3]);
julia> bytes = takebuf_array(io);  # Get the serialized data as a byte array

julia> io = IOBuffer(bytes);  # Create a new IOBuffer to read the serialized data from
julia> deserialized_value = deserialize(io);  # Deserialize the data
julia> deserialized_value
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

In this example, we serialize an array [1, 2, 3] using serialize and write it to an IOBuffer named io. Then we retrieve the serialized data as a byte array using takebuf_array.

Next, we create a new IOBuffer named io and initialize it with the serialized data. Finally, we use deserialize to read and deserialize the data from io, obtaining the original value [1, 2, 3] in deserialized_value.

It's important to note that the serialized data can be written to any stream (IOBuffer, File, etc.), and the deserialization process can read from the appropriate stream as well.

It's worth mentioning that deserialization may not work if the reading and writing are done by different versions of Julia or if there are differences in the system image. The serialize and deserialize functions should generally be used within the same Julia environment or compatible environments.

Additionally, Ptr values are serialized as all-zero bit patterns (NULL) since they are not portable across different environments due to memory addressing differences.

See Also

deserialize, eachline, eof, fd, flush, IOBuffer, ismarked, isopen, isreadonly, mark, nb_available, open, pipeline, position, read, read!, readavailable, readbytes, readbytes!, readline, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdin, reset, seek, seekend, seekstart, serialize, skip, skipchars, TextDisplay, unmark, write, writemime,

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