

Read a single line of text, including a trailing newline character (if one is reached before the end of the input), from the given stream (defaults to STDIN),


julia> foo = readline();
julia> print(foo);

Reading from a file

julia> fp = open("helloworld.txt");    
julia> readline(fp)     # read first line
julia> readline(fp)     # read second line
  1. Read a line from standard input:

    julia> line = readline()
    Hello, World!
    "Hello, World!\n"

    This example reads a single line of text from the standard input (STDIN) and assigns it to the variable line.

  2. Read a line from a file:

    julia> file = open("data.txt")
    julia> line = readline(file)
    "This is line 1\n"

    Here, the readline function is used to read a line from a file named "data.txt" that has already been opened using the open function.

  3. Read a line from a custom input stream:

    julia> input = IOBuffer("Custom input stream\n")
    julia> line = readline(input)
    "Custom input stream\n"

    In this example, a custom input stream input is created using IOBuffer. The readline function is then used to read a line from this custom input stream.

  4. Handle an empty input line:
    julia> line = readline()

    If the input line is empty (contains no characters), the readline function returns an empty string.

See Also

deserialize, eachline, eof, fd, flush, IOBuffer, ismarked, isopen, isreadonly, mark, nb_available, open, pipeline, position, read, read!, readavailable, readbytes, readbytes!, readline, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdin, reset, seek, seekend, seekstart, serialize, skip, skipchars, TextDisplay, unmark, write, writemime,

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