
IOBuffer() -> IOBuffer

Create an in-memory I/O stream.


  1. Create a fixed-size IOBuffer:

    julia> buf = IOBuffer(256)
    IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=true, append=false, size=0, maxsize=256, ptr=1, mark=-1)

    This example creates an IOBuffer with a fixed size of 256 bytes. The buffer is initially empty.

  2. Write data to the IOBuffer:

    julia> write(buf, "Hello, world!")

    You can use the write function to write data to the IOBuffer. In this example, the string "Hello, world!" is written to the buffer.

  3. Read data from the IOBuffer:
    julia> seekstart(buf)  # Move the buffer pointer to the beginning
    julia> data = read(buf, String)
    "Hello, world!"

    The read function allows you to read data from the IOBuffer. After writing data to the buffer, you can use seekstart to move the buffer pointer to the beginning and then read the data.

Common mistake example:

julia> buf = IOBuffer(0)
ERROR: ArgumentError: size must be a positive integer

In this example, an error is thrown because the size argument provided is 0. The size parameter for IOBuffer must be a positive integer to create a valid buffer.

See Also

deserialize, eachline, eof, fd, flush, IOBuffer, ismarked, isopen, isreadonly, mark, nb_available, open, pipeline, position, read, read!, readavailable, readbytes, readbytes!, readline, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdin, reset, seek, seekend, seekstart, serialize, skip, skipchars, TextDisplay, unmark, write, writemime,

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