connect(host=?, port)

connect([host],port) -> TCPSocket

Connect to the host host on port port


A simple Echo server

julia> @async begin
         server = listen(2001)
         while true
           sock = accept(server)
           @async while isopen(sock)

julia> clientside=connect(2001)
TCPSocket(open, 0 bytes waiting)

julia> @async while true
          write(STDOUT,readline(clientside))    # prepare to listen

julia> println(clientside,"Hello World from the Echo Server")

julia> Hello World from the Echo Server

julia> close(clientside)    #disconnect
    connect(path) -> PipeEndpoint

Connect to the Named Pipe / Domain Socket at `path`.

# Examples
julia> pipe = connect("/tmp/my_pipe")
Base.PipeEndpoint(open, 0 bytes waiting)


This function throws an error if the connection fails.

""" function connect(path)

Implementation code here


**Example usage:**

1. **Connect to a named pipe:**
   julia> pipe = connect("/tmp/my_pipe")
   Base.PipeEndpoint(open, 0 bytes waiting)

This example connects to the named pipe at "/tmp/my_pipe" and returns a PipeEndpoint object.

  1. Connect to a domain socket:
    julia> socket = connect("/var/run/my_socket")
    Base.PipeEndpoint(open, 0 bytes waiting)

    It connects to the domain socket at "/var/run/my_socket" and returns a PipeEndpoint object.

Note: This function will throw an error if the connection fails. Ensure that the provided path is valid and accessible.

See Also

accept, bind, :@spawn, connect, fetch, getaddrinfo, gethostname, getipaddr, getsockname, init_worker, IPv4, IPv6, isready, issocket, kill, listen, recv, recvfrom, remotecall, remotecall_fetch, remotecall_wait, RemoteRef, send, setopt,

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