

Like uperm but gets the permissions of the group owning the file


julia> gperm("myfile.txt")

This example retrieves the permissions of the group owning the file "myfile.txt" and returns it as an octal value.

Common mistake example:

julia> gperm("nonexistent_file.txt")
ERROR: IOError: could not open file nonexistent_file.txt

In this example, the file "nonexistent_file.txt" does not exist, resulting in an IOError. Make sure to provide the correct file path and ensure that the file exists before using the gperm function.

See Also

abspath, basename, chmod, countlines, cp, ctime, dirname, download, evalfile, expanduser, fdio, filemode, filesize, functionloc, gperm, homedir, include_string, isabspath, isblockdev, ischardev, isdir, isdirpath, isexecutable, isfifo, isfile, islink, ismount, ispath, isreadable, issetgid, issetuid, issticky, iswritable, joinpath, less, lstat, mkdir, mkpath, mktemp, mktempdir, mtime, mv, normpath, operm, poll_fd, poll_file, readall, readcsv, readdir, readdlm, readlines, readlink, realpath, relpath, rm, splitdir, splitdrive, splitext, stat, symlink, tempdir, tempname, touch, truncate, uperm, watch_file, writecsv,

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