

Extract the significand(s) (a.k.a. mantissa), in binary representation, of a floating-point number or array. If x is a non-zero finite number, than the result will be a number of the same type on the interval $[1,2)$. Otherwise x is returned.

julia> significand(15.2)/15.2

julia> significand(15.2)*8


The significand(x) function in Julia extracts the significand (also known as mantissa) in binary representation of a floating-point number or array. If the input x is a non-zero finite number, the result will be a number of the same type within the interval [1, 2). If x is not a finite number, it is returned as is.

Here are some examples of how the significand function can be used:

  1. Extract significand of a floating-point number:

    julia> significand(15.2)

    In this example, the significand of the floating-point number 15.2 is extracted and returned as 0.125.

  2. Multiply the significand by a factor:
    julia> significand(15.2) * 8

    Here, the significand of 15.2 is multiplied by 8, resulting in the original value 15.2.

Common mistake example:

julia> significand(0)
ERROR: DomainError with 0.0:
significand is only defined for non-zero finite numbers.

In this example, the input 0 is not a finite number, so the significand function throws a DomainError. Make sure to provide a non-zero finite number as input to significand to avoid this error.

See Also

cmp, float, get_bigfloat_precision, get_rounding, get_zero_subnormals, isapprox, maxintfloat, mod2pi, nextfloat, precision, prevfloat, rationalize, round, set_bigfloat_precision, set_rounding, set_zero_subnormals, significand, with_bigfloat_precision, with_rounding,

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