

An operation allocated too much memory for either the system or the garbage collector to handle properly.


The OutOfMemoryError() function in Julia is used to raise an error when an operation allocates excessive memory for the system or garbage collector to handle properly.


julia> function allocate_memory()
           arr = zeros(Int, 10^9)  # Allocate a large array

julia> try
       catch err
           if err isa OutOfMemoryError
               println("Memory allocation failed!")

In this example, the allocate_memory() function tries to create a large array of size 10^9. If the system or garbage collector cannot handle this allocation, it will raise an OutOfMemoryError. The try-catch block is used to catch the error, and if it is an OutOfMemoryError, it prints a custom error message.

It is important to note that OutOfMemoryError is typically raised automatically by the system or garbage collector when memory allocation fails. It is not usually directly called in user code.

See Also

ArgumentError, AssertionError, BoundsError, DivideError, DomainError, EOFError, error, ErrorException, InexactError, InitError, KeyError, LoadError, MethodError, OutOfMemoryError, OverflowError, ParseError, ReadOnlyMemoryError, showerror, StackOverflowError, SystemError, TypeError, UndefRefError, UndefVarError,

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