
LoadError(file::AbstractString, line::Int, error)

An error occurred while includeing, requireing, or using a file. The error specifics should be available in the .error field.


Base.LoadError(file::AbstractString, line::Int, error)

An error occurred while includeing, requireing, or using a file. The error specifics can be accessed through the .error field.


  1. Handle a LoadError:

    julia> try
          catch err
              throw(LoadError("nonexistent_file.jl", 1, err))

    This example demonstrates how to handle a LoadError by throwing a new LoadError with the file name, line number, and the original error.

  2. Access the error details:
    julia> try
          catch err
              le = LoadError("file_with_error.jl", 3, err)
              println("Error in file: ", le.file)
              println("Line number: ", le.line)
              println("Error details: ", le.error)

    In this example, we catch an error that occurred while including a file and create a LoadError object. We can then access the details of the error through the .file, .line, and .error fields.

Remember to always handle errors appropriately and provide meaningful information when using LoadError.

See Also

ArgumentError, AssertionError, BoundsError, DivideError, DomainError, EOFError, error, ErrorException, InexactError, InitError, KeyError, LoadError, MethodError, OutOfMemoryError, OverflowError, ParseError, ReadOnlyMemoryError, showerror, StackOverflowError, SystemError, TypeError, UndefRefError, UndefVarError,

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