

Create a pipe to which all C and Julia level STDOUT output will be redirected. Returns a tuple (rd,wr) representing the pipe ends. Data written to STDOUT may now be read from the rd end of the pipe. The wr end is given for convenience in case the old STDOUT object was cached by the user and needs to be replaced elsewhere.


  1. Redirect STDOUT to a file:

    julia> open("output.txt", "w") do file
              redirect_stdout(file) do
                  println("This will be redirected to output.txt")

    In this example, the standard output (STDOUT) is redirected to a file named "output.txt". Any output generated within the redirect_stdout block will be written to the file instead of the console.

  2. Redirect STDOUT to a pipe:

    julia> pipe = IOBuffer();
    julia> redirect_stdout(pipe) do
              println("This will be redirected to a pipe")
    julia> String(take!(pipe))

    Here, the standard output (STDOUT) is redirected to an IOBuffer object, which acts as a pipe. The output generated within the redirect_stdout block is captured in the pipe and can be accessed later.

  3. Redirect STDOUT to a TCP socket:

    julia> using Sockets
    julia> server = listen(8080);
    julia> client = connect(8080);
    julia> redirect_stdout(client) do
              println("This will be redirected to the TCP socket")

    In this example, the standard output (STDOUT) is redirected to a TCP socket. The output generated within the redirect_stdout block is sent to the connected client over the socket.

It's important to note that stream must be a TTY, a Pipe, or a TCPSocket for redirect_stdout to work correctly. Ensure that the provided stream object is compatible with the function to avoid errors.

See Also

addprocs, atexit, cd, clipboard, EnvHash, exit, getpid, peakflops, ProcessExitedException, process_exited, process_running, procs, quit, readandwrite, redirect_stdout, rmprocs, run, setenv, spawn, withenv,

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