

Starts running a command asynchronously, and returns a tuple (stdout,stdin,process) of the output stream and input stream of the process, and the process object itself.


  1. Run a command and capture output streams:

    julia> cmd = `ls -al`;
    julia> stdout, stdin, proc = readandwrite(cmd);
    julia> read(stdout, String)
    "total 8\n-rw-r--r--  1 user  staff   456 Sep 10 11:30 file1.txt\n-rw-r--r--  1 user  staff   789 Sep 10 11:30 file2.txt\n"

    This example runs the command ls -al asynchronously and captures its stdout using read function.

  2. Interact with the process using stdin:

    julia> cmd = `grep "hello"`;
    julia> stdout, stdin, proc = readandwrite(cmd);
    julia> write(stdin, "Hello, world!\n");
    julia> close(stdin);
    julia> read(stdout, String)
    "Hello, world!\n"

    In this example, the command grep "hello" is started asynchronously, and we interact with the process by writing to its stdin using the write function.

  3. Capture both stdout and stderr:
    julia> cmd = `ls non_existent_file`;
    julia> stdout, stdin, proc = readandwrite(cmd);
    julia> read(stdout, String)
    "ls: non_existent_file: No such file or directory\n"

    Here, the command ls non_existent_file is run, and both stdout and stderr are captured in the stdout stream.

Common mistake example:

julia> cmd = `non_existing_command`;
julia> stdout, stdin, proc = readandwrite(cmd)
ERROR: IOError: could not spawn `non_existing_command`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)

In this example, the command non_existing_command does not exist, resulting in an IOError. It's important to make sure that the command provided is valid and exists on the system.

See Also

addprocs, atexit, cd, clipboard, EnvHash, exit, getpid, peakflops, ProcessExitedException, process_exited, process_running, procs, quit, readandwrite, redirect_stdout, rmprocs, run, setenv, spawn, withenv,

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