
unsigned(x) -> Unsigned

Convert a number to an unsigned integer. If the argument is signed, it is reinterpreted as unsigned without checking for negative values.


Here are some examples of how to use the unsigned function in Julia:

  1. Convert a signed integer to an unsigned integer:

    julia> signed_int = -10;
    julia> unsigned_int = unsigned(signed_int)

    This example converts the signed integer -10 to an unsigned integer using the unsigned function.

  2. Convert a float to an unsigned integer:

    julia> float_num = 3.14;
    julia> unsigned_int = unsigned(float_num)

    The unsigned function can also be used to convert a floating-point number to an unsigned integer. However, the result will be the same as the original float since unsigned does not perform any type conversion for non-integers.

  3. Convert a negative signed integer to an unsigned integer:
    julia> negative_int = -100;
    julia> unsigned_int = unsigned(negative_int)

    The unsigned function reinterprets the negative signed integer -100 as an unsigned integer without checking for negative values. The resulting unsigned integer may not be the same as the original signed value.

Common mistake example:

julia> unsigned("10")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching unsigned(::String)

In this example, the unsigned function cannot convert a string to an unsigned integer. It is important to ensure that the argument passed to unsigned is a numerical value that can be converted to an unsigned integer.

See Also

base, big, bytes2hex, cconvert, complex, convert, dec, hex, hex2bytes, hex2num, oct, oftype, parse, promote, signed, unsafe_convert, unsigned, widen,

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