
..  tic()

Set a timer to be read by the next call to :func:`toc` or :func:`toq`. The macro call ``@time expr`` can also be used to time evaluation.


In the Julia programming language, the function tic()

Set a timer to be read by the next call to toc() or toq(). The macro call @time expr can also be used to time evaluation.

Usage examples:

  1. Measure execution time of a code block:

    julia> tic();   # Start the timer
    julia> for i in 1:1_000_000
               # Code to be timed
    julia> toc()    # Get the elapsed time

    This example measures the execution time of a for loop by starting the timer with tic(), running the code block, and then obtaining the elapsed time with toc().

  2. Time a specific function call:

    julia> function my_function(n)
               # Code implementation
    julia> tic();   # Start the timer
    julia> my_function(10_000)
    julia> toc()    # Get the elapsed time

    Here, the tic() and toc() functions are used to measure the execution time of the my_function call.

  3. Use @time macro for timing:
    julia> @time begin
               # Code to be timed

    The @time macro can also be used to time the evaluation of a code block. It automatically prints the elapsed time, memory allocations, and memory usage.

Please note that toq() is not a standard Julia function. If you intended to refer to another function, please provide the correct name and description.

See Also

:@time, :@timed, :@timev, now, sleep, tic, time, timedwait, Timer, time_ns, toc, toq,

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