
..  peakflops(n; parallel=false)

``peakflops`` computes the peak flop rate of the computer by using double precision :func:`Base.LinAlg.BLAS.gemm!`. By default, if no arguments are specified, it multiplies a matrix of size ``n x n``, where ``n = 2000``. If the underlying BLAS is using multiple threads, higher flop rates are realized. The number of BLAS threads can be set with ``blas_set_num_threads(n)``.

If the keyword argument ``parallel`` is set to ``true``, ``peakflops`` is run in parallel on all the worker processors. The flop rate of the entire parallel computer is returned. When running in parallel, only 1 BLAS thread is used. The argument ``n`` still refers to the size of the problem that is solved on each processor.


peakflops(n; parallel=false)

The peakflops function computes the peak flop rate of the computer by using double precision gemm! function from Base.LinAlg.BLAS. By default, if no arguments are specified, it multiplies a matrix of size n x n, where n = 2000. If the underlying BLAS is using multiple threads, higher flop rates are realized. The number of BLAS threads can be set with blas_set_num_threads(n).

If the keyword argument parallel is set to true, peakflops is run in parallel on all the worker processors. The flop rate of the entire parallel computer is returned. When running in parallel, only 1 BLAS thread is used. The argument n still refers to the size of the problem that is solved on each processor.


  1. Default usage:

    julia> peakflops()

    This example computes the peak flop rate by multiplying a default 2000 x 2000 matrix.

  2. Specify custom matrix size:

    julia> peakflops(1000)

    It computes the peak flop rate by multiplying a 1000 x 1000 matrix.

  3. Run in parallel:
    julia> peakflops(2000, parallel=true)

    It runs peakflops in parallel on all worker processors and returns the flop rate of the entire parallel computer.

Note: The actual peak flop rate may vary depending on the hardware and system configuration.

See Also

addprocs, atexit, cd, clipboard, EnvHash, exit, getpid, peakflops, ProcessExitedException, process_exited, process_running, procs, quit, readandwrite, redirect_stdout, rmprocs, run, setenv, spawn, withenv,

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