Returns the largest eigenvalue of A
julia> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
julia> eigmax(A)
In this example, eigmax
is used to calculate the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A
. The eigmax
function returns a single float value representing the largest eigenvalue.
Common mistake example:
julia> A = [1 2; 3 4];
julia> eigmax(A)
MethodError: no method matching eigmax(::Array{Int64,2})
In this example, eigmax
is called on a 2x2 matrix, but it results in a MethodError
because the eigmax
function expects a square matrix. Make sure to provide a square matrix as input to eigmax
See Also
cummax, eigmax, findmax, hist, hist!, hist2d, hist2d!, histrange, indmax, maxabs, maxabs!, maximum!, mean, mean!, median, median!, minabs, minabs!, minimum!, minmax, quantile!, realmax, std, stdm,User Contributed Notes
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