
all!(r, A)

Test whether all values in A along the singleton dimensions of r are true, and write results to r.


  1. Check if all elements of an array are true:

    julia> arr = [true, true, true];
    julia> result = trues(3);
    julia> all!(result, arr)

    This example checks if all elements in the array arr are true and writes the result to the result array.

  2. Check if all columns of a matrix are true:

    julia> matrix = [true false true; true true true];
    julia> result = trues(2);
    julia> all!(result, matrix, dims=1)
    2-element Array{Bool,1}:

    It checks if all elements of each column in the matrix matrix are true and writes the results to the result array along the singleton dimension.

  3. Check if all rows of a matrix are true:
    julia> matrix = [true false true; true true true];
    julia> result = trues(3);
    julia> all!(result, matrix, dims=2)
    3-element Array{Bool,1}:

    This example checks if all elements of each row in the matrix matrix are true and writes the results to the result array along the singleton dimension.

Common mistake example:

julia> arr = [true, false, true];
julia> result = falses(3);
julia> all!(result, arr)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("output array has the wrong dimensions for broadcasting")

In this example, the size of the output array result does not match the input array arr. It's important to ensure that the dimensions of the output array are compatible with the dimensions of the input array.

See Also

all, all!, angle, any, any!, falses, ifelse, is, isinf, isinteger, isnan, isperm, ispow2, isreal, trues,

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