
bessely(nu, x)

Bessel function of the second kind of order nu, $Y_\nu(x)$.


In the Julia programming language, the function bessely(nu, x) computes the n-th order Bessel function of the second kind, denoted as $Y_{\nu}(x)$.

julia> bessely(0, 1.0)
  1. Compute Bessel function of the second kind:

    julia> bessely(1, 2.0)

    This example calculates the first-order Bessel function of the second kind, denoted as $Y_1(2.0)$.

  2. Evaluate Bessel function for complex arguments:

    julia> bessely(2, 1 + 2im)
    0.16476343091190485 - 0.4292964090536087im

    The bessely function can also handle complex arguments. This example evaluates the second-order Bessel function of the second kind for the complex number 1 + 2im.

  3. Calculate Bessel function for arrays:

    julia> x = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5];
    julia> bessely(2, x)
    3-element Array{Float64,1}:

    The bessely function can also accept arrays as input. In this example, it computes the second-order Bessel function of the second kind for each element in the array x.

Common mistake example:

julia> bessely(1.5, 2.0)
ERROR: DomainError with -0.8996460170577619:
Order must be an integer or Rational number.

In this example, the order nu is provided as a floating-point number, which results in a DomainError. The order must be an integer or a rational number. Make sure to provide a valid order for the Bessel function.

See Also

besselh, besseli, besselix, besselj, besselj0, besselj1, besseljx, besselk, besselkx, bessely, bessely0, bessely1, besselyx, hankelh1, hankelh1x, hankelh2, hankelh2x,

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