
sortcols(A, [alg=,] [by=,] [lt=,] [rev=false])

Sort the columns of matrix A lexicographically.


  1. Sort columns lexicographically:

    julia> A = [4 3 2; 1 2 3; 3 1 4];
    julia> sortcols(A)
    3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
    1  2  3
    3  1  4
    4  3  2

    This example sorts the columns of matrix A in lexicographic order.

  2. Sort columns with a custom comparison function:

    julia> A = [4 3 2; 1 2 3; 3 1 4];
    julia> sortcols(A, lt=by(x -> x % 3))
    3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
    4  3  2
    1  2  3
    3  1  4

    The lt argument specifies a custom comparison function. In this example, the columns are sorted based on the remainder of each element divided by 3.

  3. Sort columns in reverse order:
    julia> A = [4 3 2; 1 2 3; 3 1 4];
    julia> sortcols(A, rev=true)
    3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
    2  3  4
    3  2  1
    4  1  3

    By setting rev to true, the columns are sorted in reverse order.

Common mistake example:

julia> A = [4 3 2; 1 2 3; 3 1 4];
julia> sortcols(A, by=abs)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching abs(::Array{Int64,2})

In this example, the by argument is used incorrectly. abs is a function that operates on individual elements, not on the entire array. Make sure to provide a valid transformation function that can be applied to each column.

See Also

find, findfirst, findin, findlast, findmin, findn, findnext, findnz, findprev, rsearch, rsearchindex, searchsorted, searchsortedfirst, searchsortedlast, sort, sort!, sortcols, sortperm, sortperm!,

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