
redisplay(x) redisplay(d::Display, x) redisplay(mime, x) redisplay(d::Display, mime, x)

By default, the redisplay functions simply call display. However, some display backends may override redisplay to modify an existing display of x (if any). Using redisplay is also a hint to the backend that x may be redisplayed several times, and the backend may choose to defer the display until (for example) the next interactive prompt.


  1. Call redisplay with a single argument:

    julia> redisplay("Hello, Julia!")

    This code snippet calls the redisplay function with a single argument. By default, it behaves the same as the display function and displays the provided object.

  2. Call redisplay with a Display object and an argument:

    julia> d = display("Hello, Julia!");
    julia> redisplay(d, "Modified display")

    In this example, we first create a Display object using the display function. Then, we call redisplay with the Display object and a modified argument. This can be used to update or modify an existing display.

  3. Call redisplay with a MIME type and an argument:

    julia> redisplay("text/html", "<h1>Hello, Julia!</h1>")

    Here, we use the redisplay function with a specific MIME type and an argument. This can be useful when working with different types of content or when targeting specific display backends.

  4. Call redisplay with a Display object, MIME type, and an argument:

    julia> d = display("text/plain", "Hello, Julia!");
    julia> redisplay(d, "text/html", "<h1>Modified display</h1>")

    This example combines a Display object, a specific MIME type, and an argument to update an existing display with a different content type.

Note: The behavior of redisplay may vary depending on the display backend being used and how it implements the function.

See Also

:@printf, :@sprintf, display, displayable, dump, info, isprint, print, println, print_escaped, print_joined, print_shortest, print_unescaped, print_with_color, pushdisplay, redisplay, show, showall, showcompact, sprint, versioninfo,

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