

Interrupt the current executing task on the specified workers. This is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-C on the local machine. If no arguments are given, all workers are interrupted.


  1. Interrupt the current task on local machine:

    julia> interrupt()

    This will interrupt the currently executing task on the local machine, simulating the effect of pressing Ctrl-C.

  2. Interrupt specific worker tasks:

    julia> interrupt(pids...)

    This will interrupt the currently executing tasks on the specified worker processes identified by their process IDs (pids).

  3. Interrupt all worker tasks:
    julia> interrupt()

    If no arguments are provided, this will interrupt all currently executing tasks on all workers.

Common mistake example:

julia> interrupt([2, 3])
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable

In this example, the mistake is passing the process IDs as an array [2, 3] instead of as separate arguments. The correct way to pass multiple process IDs is by separating them with commas, like interrupt(2, 3).

See Also

:@async, :@schedule, :@task, Condition, consume, interrupt, istaskdone, istaskstarted, lock, notify, ReentrantLock, schedule, Task, task_local_storage, unlock, wait, yield, yieldto,

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