
..  first(coll)

Get the first element of an iterable collection. Returns the start point of a :obj:`Range`
even if it is empty.


julia> foo = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
2x3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
julia> first(foo)

julia> first([-1:-2:-10])

julia> first(1:2:0)         # empty range

In the Julia programming language, the function first(coll) is used to retrieve the first element of an iterable collection. If the collection is empty, it returns the start point of a Range.

  1. Get the first element of an array:

    julia> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    julia> first(arr)

    This example returns the first element of the array arr.

  2. Retrieve the first element of a tuple:

    julia> tpl = (10, 20, 30);
    julia> first(tpl)

    It returns the first element of the tuple tpl.

  3. Access the first element of a range:

    julia> rng = 1:5;
    julia> first(rng)

    This example retrieves the start point of the range rng.

  4. Handling an empty collection:
    julia> empty_arr = Int[];
    julia> first(empty_arr)
    ERROR: ArgumentError: empty collection

    When the collection is empty, an ArgumentError is raised. It's important to handle such cases appropriately.

Common mistake example:

julia> str = "Hello";
julia> first(str)

In this example, the first function returns the first character of the string str as a character literal, not as a string. If you want the first character as a string, you can use first(string(str)) instead.

See Also

countfrom, cycle, done, drop, eachindex, enumerate, first, repeated, rest, start, svds, take, vecdot, vecnorm, zip,

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