endof(collection) -> Integer
Returns the last index of the collection.
julia> endof([1,2,4])
Get the last index of an array:
julia> arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; julia> endof(arr) 5
This example returns the last index of the array
, which is 5. -
Find the last index of a string:
julia> text = "Hello, World!"; julia> endof(text) 13
It returns the last index of the string
, which is 13. - Calculate the last index of a range:
julia> range = 1:10; julia> endof(range) 10
It determines the last index of the range
, which is 10.
Common mistake example:
julia> nums = [5, 10, 15, 20];
julia> endof(nums, 2)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching endof(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Int64)
In this example, the endof
function is called with more arguments than expected. The correct usage is endof(collection)
to retrieve the last index. Be careful to provide only the collection and not additional arguments.
See Also
append!, delete!, deleteat!, empty!, endof, filter, filter!, gc, get!, getkey, haskey, insert!, isempty, keys, map, map!, merge, merge!, pop!, prepend!, push!, reduce, resize!, shift!, splice!, unshift!, values,User Contributed Notes
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