

Airy function derivative $\operatorname{Ai}'(x)$.


In the Julia programming language, the function airyprime(x) calculates the derivative of the Airy function Ai'(x) at the given value x.

julia> airyprime(1.0)

Here are some common examples of how to use the airyprime function:

  1. Calculate the derivative at a specific point:

    julia> airyprime(2.0)

    This example calculates the derivative of the Airy function Ai'(x) at x = 2.0.

  2. Evaluate the derivative for an array of values:
    julia> x = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0];
    julia> airyprime.(x)
    4-element Array{Float64,1}:

    In this case, the airyprime function is applied element-wise to the array x, calculating the derivative for each value.

Common mistake example:

julia> airyprime("hello")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching airyprime(::String)

In this example, the function is called with an invalid argument type. The airyprime function expects a numeric input, so passing a string results in a MethodError. Make sure to provide valid numeric arguments when using airyprime.

See Also

airy, airyai, airyaiprime, airybi, airybiprime, airyprime, airyx,

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