
readuntil(stream, delim)

Read a string, up to and including the given delimiter byte.


In the Julia programming language, the function readuntil(stream, delim) is used to read a string from a stream, up to and including the given delimiter byte. It returns the string that has been read.

julia> io = IOBuffer("Hello, World! How are you?");
julia> readuntil(io, '!')
"Hello, World!"

Here are some common examples of how to use the readuntil function:

  1. Read until a specific character:

    julia> io = IOBuffer("Julia is awesome!");
    julia> readuntil(io, '!')
    "Julia is awesome!"

    In this example, the function reads the string from the IOBuffer io until it encounters the exclamation mark ('!').

  2. Read until a newline character:

    julia> io = IOBuffer("This is the first line.\nThis is the second line.");
    julia> readuntil(io, '\n')
    "This is the first line.\n"

    The function reads the string from the IOBuffer io until it reaches the newline character ('\n').

  3. Read until a specific byte value:
    julia> io = IOBuffer([0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45]);
    julia> readuntil(io, 0x43)

    The function reads the string from the IOBuffer io until it finds the byte value 0x43 (ASCII value of 'C').

Common mistake example:

julia> io = IOBuffer("Hello, World!");
julia> readuntil(io, 'z')
ERROR: ArgumentError: delimiter not found

In this example, the delimiter 'z' is not present in the string, resulting in an ArgumentError. Make sure that the delimiter you specify exists in the stream to avoid such errors.

See Also

ascii, base64decode, Base64DecodePipe, base64encode, Base64EncodePipe, bin, bits, bytestring, charwidth, chomp, chop, chr2ind, contains, endswith, escape_string, graphemes, ind2chr, iscntrl, istext, isupper, isvalid, join, lcfirst, lowercase, lpad, lstrip, normalize_string, num2hex, parseip, randstring, readuntil, replace, repr, rpad, rsplit, rstrip, search, searchindex, split, startswith, string, stringmime, strip, strwidth, summary, takebuf_string, ucfirst, unescape_string, uppercase, utf16, utf32, utf8, wstring,

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