

Converts the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.


ntoh(x::UInt8) -> UInt8

Converts the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.

julia> ntoh(UInt8(0x12))

This example shows how to convert a single-byte value from network byte order to host byte order.

ntoh(x::UInt16) -> UInt16

Converts the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.

julia> ntoh(UInt16(0x1234))

This example demonstrates the conversion of a two-byte value from network byte order to host byte order.

ntoh(x::UInt32) -> UInt32

Converts the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.

julia> ntoh(UInt32(0x12345678))

This example showcases the conversion of a four-byte value from network byte order to host byte order.

ntoh(x::UInt64) -> UInt64

Converts the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.

julia> ntoh(UInt64(0x1234567890ABCDEF))

This example illustrates the conversion of an eight-byte value from network byte order to host byte order.

Note: The ntoh function is applicable to unsigned integer types (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64).

See Also

bitpack, bitunpack, bswap, flipbits!, htol, hton, isbits, ltoh, ntoh, rol, rol!, ror, ror!, signbit,

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