
maxabs(A, dims)

Compute the maximum absolute values over given dimensions.


julia> maxabs([-3,-11])
julia> maxabs([3,11])
  1. Find the maximum absolute value in an array:

    julia> arr = [3, -5, 2, -9, 7];
    julia> maxabs(arr)

    This example calculates the maximum absolute value in the array arr.

  2. Compute the maximum absolute value in a range:

    julia> range = -10:10;
    julia> maxabs(range)

    It determines the maximum absolute value in the given range.

  3. Find the maximum absolute value in a vector of complex numbers:
    julia> complex_nums = [2 + 3im, -4 - 6im, 5 + 1im];
    julia> maxabs(complex_nums)

    Here, it calculates the maximum absolute value among the complex numbers.

Common mistake example:

julia> maxabs("hello")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching maxabs(::String)

In this example, the input type is not compatible with the maxabs function. It can only be used with collections of numeric values. Make sure to provide a valid collection of values to compute the maximum absolute value.

See Also

cummax, eigmax, findmax, hist, hist!, hist2d, hist2d!, histrange, indmax, maxabs, maxabs!, maximum!, mean, mean!, median, median!, minabs, minabs!, minimum!, minmax, quantile!, realmax, std, stdm,

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