all(A::AbstractArray, dims)

all(A, dims)

Test whether all values along the given dimensions of an array are true.


  1. Check if all elements satisfy a condition:

    julia> all(x -> x > 0, [1, 2, 3, 4])

    This example checks if all elements in the array [1, 2, 3, 4] are greater than 0.

  2. Verify if all strings meet a condition:

    julia> all(s -> length(s) > 3, ["apple", "banana", "orange"])

    It checks if all strings in the array have a length greater than 3. In this case, the result is false because the string "apple" doesn't meet the condition.

  3. Evaluate condition on a range of numbers:
    julia> all(x -> iseven(x), 2:2:10)

    It checks if all the numbers in the range 2 to 10 (inclusive) are even.

See Also

all, all!, angle, any, any!, falses, ifelse, is, isinf, isinteger, isnan, isperm, ispow2, isreal, trues,

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