

A symbol in the current scope is not defined.


In the Julia programming language, the function UndefVarError(var::Symbol)

This function is called when a symbol (variable) in the current scope is not defined. It raises an error indicating that the variable is undefined.

julia> x
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined

Common examples of its use:

  1. Accessing an undefined variable:

    julia> y
    ERROR: UndefVarError: y not defined

    This example raises an UndefVarError because the variable y is not defined.

  2. Using an undefined symbol as a function argument:

    julia> my_function(z)
    ERROR: UndefVarError: z not defined

    It raises an UndefVarError when an undefined symbol (z in this case) is used as an argument to a function.

  3. Using an undefined variable in an expression:
    julia> a = b + 1
    ERROR: UndefVarError: b not defined

    This example raises an UndefVarError because the variable b is not defined in the expression.

Common mistake example:

julia> 123 + x
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined

In this example, the variable x is not defined, resulting in an UndefVarError when trying to perform the addition. Ensure that all variables are properly defined in order to avoid this error.

See Also

ArgumentError, AssertionError, BoundsError, DivideError, DomainError, EOFError, error, ErrorException, InexactError, InitError, KeyError, LoadError, MethodError, OutOfMemoryError, OverflowError, ParseError, ReadOnlyMemoryError, showerror, StackOverflowError, SystemError, TypeError, UndefRefError, UndefVarError,

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