
tryparse(type, str, [base])

Like parse, but returns a Nullable of the requested type. The result will be null if the string does not contain a valid number.


  1. Parse a string to an integer:

    julia> tryparse(Int, "123")
  2. Parse a string to a floating-point number:

    julia> tryparse(Float64, "3.14")
  3. Handle invalid string parsing gracefully:

    julia> tryparse(Int, "abc")

    In this example, the result is Nullable{Int64}() because the string "abc" cannot be parsed as an integer.

  4. Specify a base for parsing:
    julia> tryparse(Int, "FF", 16)

    This example parses the hexadecimal string "FF" into an integer by specifying the base as 16.

Common mistake example:

julia> tryparse(Float64, "3.14.15")
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid number format: "3.14.15"

In this case, the string "3.14.15" is not a valid floating-point number, and an ArgumentError is thrown. It's important to provide a valid number format that can be parsed by the tryparse function.

See Also

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