
signif(x, digits, [base])

Rounds (in the sense of round) x so that there are digits significant digits, under a base base representation, default 10. E.g., signif(123.456, 2) is 120.0, and signif(357.913, 4, 2) is 352.0.


In the Julia programming language, the function signif(x, digits, [base]) is used to round the value x to a specified number of significant digits, considering an optional base representation. The rounded value is returned.

  1. Round to 2 significant digits:

    julia> signif(123.456, 2)

    This example rounds the number 123.456 to 2 significant digits, resulting in 120.0.

  2. Round to 4 significant digits with a base of 2:
    julia> signif(357.913, 4, 2)

    Here, the number 357.913 is rounded to 4 significant digits using a base of 2, resulting in 352.0.

Common mistake example:

julia> signif(10.0, -2)
ERROR: DomainError with -2:
The number of digits must be non-negative

In this example, a negative value is provided for the digits argument, which results in a DomainError. It's important to ensure that the number of digits is non-negative when using the signif function.

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