

Re-enable Ctrl-C handler during execution of a function. Temporarily reverses the effect of disable_sigint.


julia> function long_running_function()
           println("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt...")
           for i in 1:10^6
               # Perform some computation
           println("Computation complete.")
long_running_function (generic function with 1 method)

julia> disable_sigint()
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt...
^CComputation complete.

In this example, the reenable_sigint function is used to re-enable the Ctrl-C interrupt handler during the execution of a long-running function. By default, Julia disables the interrupt handler to prevent accidental interruptions. However, if you want to allow the user to interrupt the execution of a specific function, you can use reenable_sigint to temporarily enable the interrupt handler within that function.

Common mistake example:

julia> reenable_sigint()
ERROR: reenable_sigint() must be called with a function as an argument.

In this example, the reenable_sigint function is called without providing a function argument. Remember that reenable_sigint expects a function as an argument to enable the interrupt handler during the execution of that function.

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