

Return the real part of the complex number z


In the Julia programming language, the function real(z)

Return the real part of the complex number z.

julia> z = 5 + 3im;
julia> real(z)

Provide common examples of its use. If there are any common mistakes users make, add an example.

  1. Get the real part of a complex number:

    julia> z = 2 + 4im;
    julia> real(z)

    This example retrieves the real part of the complex number z.

  2. Handle pure real numbers:

    julia> x = 7;
    julia> real(x)

    When the input is a pure real number, the function returns the same number.

  3. Handle pure imaginary numbers:
    julia> y = 6im;
    julia> real(y)

    For pure imaginary numbers, the real part is always 0.

Common mistake example:

julia> w = "hello";
julia> real(w)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching real(::String)

In this example, the input w is of type String, which is not supported by the real function. It's important to ensure that the input is a complex number or a number with a real component before using the real function.

See Also

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