

Send the given value to the last consume call, switching to the consumer task. If the next consume call passes any values, they are returned by produce.


  1. Send a value to the consumer task:

    julia> produce(10)

    This example sends the value 10 to the consumer task. It will be returned by the next consume call.

  2. Use with consume to communicate between tasks:

    julia> task_consumer() = begin
              value = consume()
              println("Received value: $value")
    julia> @async task_consumer();
    julia> produce("Hello, Julia!")
    Received value: Hello, Julia!

    Here, produce is used in conjunction with consume to communicate between tasks. The consumer task task_consumer waits for a value from consume and prints it out.

  3. Handle multiple values returned by consume:

    julia> task_consumer() = begin
              value1, value2 = consume(), consume()
              println("Received values: $value1, $value2")
    julia> @async task_consumer();
    julia> produce(42)
    julia> produce("Julia")
    Received values: 42, Julia

    In this example, the consumer task expects two values from consume. produce is called twice to send the values, and they are printed by the consumer task.

Common mistake example:

julia> produce()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching produce()

In this example, produce is called without providing a value. It's important to provide a value to produce as it is required to pass to the next consume call.

See Also

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