
..  lgamma(x)

Compute the logarithm of the absolute value of :func:`gamma` for
:obj:`Real` ``x``, while for :obj:`Complex` ``x`` it computes the
logarithm of ``gamma(x)``.


In the Julia programming language, the function lgamma(x)

Compute the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma for a real number x. For a complex number x, it computes the logarithm of gamma(x).

julia> lgamma(3.5)

julia> lgamma(1 + 2im)
-0.36643805392468204 - 1.1071487177940904im

Here are some common examples of its use:

  1. Compute the logarithm of gamma for a real number:

    julia> lgamma(2.5)

    It computes the logarithm of gamma(2.5).

  2. Compute the logarithm of gamma for a complex number:
    julia> lgamma(1 + 2im)
    -0.36643805392468204 - 1.1071487177940904im

    It computes the logarithm of gamma(1 + 2im).

Please note that the lgamma function behaves differently for real and complex numbers. For real numbers, it computes the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma(x), while for complex numbers, it computes the logarithm of gamma(x) directly.

See Also

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