
launch(manager::FooManager, params::Dict, launched::Vector{WorkerConfig}, launch_ntfy::Condition)

Implemented by cluster managers. For every Julia worker launched by this function, it should append a WorkerConfig entry to launched and notify launch_ntfy. The function MUST exit once all workers, requested by manager have been launched. params is a dictionary of all keyword arguments addprocs was called with.


    launch(manager::FooManager, params::Dict, launched::Vector{WorkerConfig}, launch_ntfy::Condition)

Implemented by cluster managers. For every Julia worker launched by this function,
it appends a `WorkerConfig` entry to `launched` and notifies `launch_ntfy`.
The function MUST exit once all workers requested by `manager` have been launched.
`params` is a dictionary of all keyword arguments `addprocs` was called with.

# Example Usage:
# Suppose we have a FooManager and a dictionary of parameters.
# We initialize an empty vector to store the launched WorkerConfigs.
# We also create a condition to notify when all workers have been launched.
# We then call the `launch` function with the provided arguments.

# Define FooManager and params
struct FooManager end
params = Dict("mode" => "production", "workers" => 4)

# Initialize empty launched vector and launch notification condition
launched = Vector{WorkerConfig}()
launch_ntfy = Condition()

# Call the launch function
launch(FooManager(), params, launched, launch_ntfy)

The launch function is implemented by cluster managers. It takes in a manager of type FooManager, a dictionary of parameters params, a vector launched to store the WorkerConfig entries, and a condition launch_ntfy for notification.

The function is responsible for launching Julia workers and appending their corresponding WorkerConfig entries to the launched vector. It also notifies the launch_ntfy condition when all requested workers have been launched. Once all workers have been launched, the function must exit.

Note: The provided code example is a skeleton to demonstrate the usage of the launch function. The actual implementation of the launch function may vary depending on the specific cluster manager being used.

See Also

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