

Return (x,exp) such that x has a magnitude in the interval $[1/2, 1)$ or 0, and val = $x \times 2^{exp}$.


In the Julia programming language, the function frexp(val)

Return (x, exp) such that x has a magnitude in the interval $[1/2, 1)$ or 0, and val = x \times 2^{exp}.

julia> frexp(10.0)
(0.625, 4)

julia> frexp(0.25)
(0.5, -1)

julia> frexp(0.0)
(0.0, 0)

Here are some common examples of how the frexp function can be used:

  1. Decompose a floating-point number into its significand and exponent:

    julia> val = 1234.0;
    julia> x, exp = frexp(val);
    julia> x
    julia> exp

    This example decomposes the floating-point number val = 1234.0 into its significand x and exponent exp.

  2. Normalize a floating-point number:

    julia> val = 0.125;
    julia> x, exp = frexp(val);
    julia> x
    julia> exp

    It normalizes the floating-point number val = 0.125 by extracting its significand x and exponent exp.

  3. Handle the case of zero:
    julia> val = 0.0;
    julia> x, exp = frexp(val);
    julia> x
    julia> exp

    It correctly handles the case of zero, where the significand is also zero and the exponent is zero.

Common mistake example:

julia> val = "Hello";
julia> x, exp = frexp(val);
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching frexp(::String)

In this example, the frexp function is applied to a non-numeric value ("Hello"), resulting in a MethodError. It is important to ensure that the input value is a float before using the frexp function.

See Also

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