

Dirichlet eta function $\eta(s) = \sum^\infty_{n=1}(-)^{n-1}/n^{s}$.


julia> eta(1)

julia> eta(2)

julia> eta(0.5)

The eta function in Julia calculates the Dirichlet eta function, denoted as η(s). It takes a complex number s as input and returns the value of the Dirichlet eta function evaluated at s.

Here are some examples of using the eta function:

  1. Calculate eta(1):

    julia> eta(1)

    Evaluates the Dirichlet eta function at s = 1, which returns approximately -0.5772156649015329.

  2. Calculate eta(2):

    julia> eta(2)

    Calculates the Dirichlet eta function at s = 2, resulting in approximately 0.8224670334241132.

  3. Calculate eta(0.5):
    julia> eta(0.5)

    Computes the Dirichlet eta function at s = 0.5, which gives approximately -0.20788622497735404.

The Dirichlet eta function is defined as follows:

eta function

Please note that the Dirichlet eta function is defined for complex numbers s.

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