

Disable Ctrl-C handler during execution of a function, for calling external code that is not interrupt safe. Intended to be called using do block syntax as follows:

disable_sigint() do
    # interrupt-unsafe code



Disable the Ctrl-C handler during the execution of a function, especially useful when calling external code that is not interrupt safe. It is intended to be used with the `do` block syntax.

disable_sigint() do
    # Interrupt-unsafe code
    # ...

This function temporarily disables the Ctrl-C interrupt handler while executing the provided function. This prevents the interruption of the function's execution when the user presses Ctrl-C. It is particularly useful when calling external code that should not be interrupted.

Here's a common example:

function interrupt_unsafe_code()
    disable_sigint() do
        # Interrupt-unsafe code
        # ...

In this example, the disable_sigint function is used to disable the interrupt handler while executing the interrupt-unsafe code within the do block.

It is important to note that disabling the Ctrl-C handler should be done with caution and only when necessary. Interrupting the execution of code can lead to unexpected behavior or data corruption. Therefore, it is recommended to use disable_sigint sparingly and only when dealing with interrupt-unsafe operations.

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