

@profile <expression> runs your expression while taking periodic backtraces. These are appended to an internal buffer of backtraces.


  1. Profile the execution of a function:

    julia> function myfunction(x)
              return 2x + 1
    julia> @profile myfunction(5)

    This example uses @profile to profile the execution of the myfunction function with an input of 5. The result of the function is returned, and the backtraces are appended to the internal buffer.

  2. Profile a block of code:

    julia> @profile begin
              a = 5
              b = 10
              c = a + b

    Here, @profile is used to profile a block of code. The variables a, b, and c are defined and manipulated, and the result is printed. The backtraces are recorded and stored in the internal buffer.

  3. Access the profile results:
    julia> Profile.print(format=:flat)
    Count  %     Cumulative  Self            Time

    After profiling, you can access the profile results using Profile.print. This example shows the flat profile format, which displays information like count, cumulative time, self time, and percentages. The specific output will depend on the profiled code.

Common mistake example:

julia> @profile myfunction(10, 20)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching myfunction(::Int64, ::Int64)

In this example, the myfunction is called with two arguments instead of one. It's important to ensure that the function is called correctly and with the expected number of arguments to avoid such errors. Always check the function signature and argument requirements when using @profile.

See Also

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