

Evaluates the arguments to the function call, determines their types, and calls the edit function on the resulting expression.


  1. Open the source code for a function:

    julia> function myfunction(x, y)
               return x + y
    julia> @edit myfunction(2, 3)

    This example opens the source code for the myfunction function and allows you to view and edit it.

  2. Inspect the source code of a built-in function:

    julia> @edit sin(π/2)

    By using @edit with a built-in function like sin, you can inspect the source code and understand how the function is implemented.

  3. Edit a complex expression:
    julia> @edit begin
               a = 2
               b = 3
               result = a * b + sqrt(a + b)

    This example demonstrates how @edit can be used to edit and explore complex expressions.

Common mistake example:

julia> @edit "myfunction(2, 3)"
ERROR: syntax: invalid method name "myfunction(2, 3)"

In this example, the mistake is passing a string instead of an expression to @edit. @edit expects a valid Julia expression as its argument, not a string. Always provide the expression directly to @edit for proper usage.

See Also

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