
cld(x, y)

Smallest integer larger than or equal to x/y.


The cld function in Julia calculates the smallest integer larger than or equal to the division of x by y.

julia> cld(10, 3)

julia> cld(5, 2)

Here are a few examples of how cld can be used:

  1. Calculate the number of iterations needed:

    julia> total_elements = 15;
    julia> batch_size = 4;
    julia> num_iterations = cld(total_elements, batch_size);
    julia> num_iterations

    In this example, cld is used to calculate the number of iterations required to process total_elements in batches of size batch_size.

  2. Determine the number of rows in a matrix:

    julia> num_elements = 12;
    julia> num_columns = 4;
    julia> num_rows = cld(num_elements, num_columns);
    julia> num_rows

    Here, cld is used to determine the number of rows needed to store num_elements in a matrix with num_columns.

  3. Handle fraction-based calculations:
    julia> numerator = 7;
    julia> denominator = 2;
    julia> result = cld(numerator, denominator);
    julia> result

    This example demonstrates the use of cld with non-integer inputs. It calculates the smallest integer larger than or equal to the division of numerator by denominator.

Common mistake example:

julia> cld(10, 0)
ERROR: DivError: integer division error

In this example, the denominator is zero, which results in a division error. Make sure to avoid dividing by zero when using the cld function.

See Also

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