
clamp(x, lo, hi)

Return x if lo <= x <= hi. If x < lo, return lo. If x > hi, return hi. Arguments are promoted to a common type. Operates elementwise over x if it is an array.


  1. Clamp a single value within a range:

    julia> clamp(8, 10, 20)

    In this example, the value 8 is clamped between the range 10 and 20. Since 8 is less than the lower bound 10, it returns the lower bound value 10.

  2. Clamp an array of values within a range:

    julia> arr = [5, 15, 25, 35];
    julia> clamp.(arr, 10, 30)
    4-element Array{Int64,1}:

    The clamp function can also operate elementwise over arrays. In this example, each element of the array arr is clamped between the range 10 and 30. Values less than the lower bound are replaced with the lower bound, and values greater than the upper bound are replaced with the upper bound.

  3. Clamp values of mixed types:
    julia> x = 5.5;
    julia> lo = 5;
    julia> hi = 10.0;
    julia> clamp(x, lo, hi)

    The clamp function promotes the arguments to a common type. Here, the value x is promoted to a floating-point number to match the type of hi. The result is still 5.5 since it falls within the range.

Common mistake example:

julia> clamp(20, 10, 5)
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid range: 10:5

In this example, the lower bound (10) is greater than the upper bound (5), which results in an invalid range. It's important to ensure that the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound to avoid such errors when using the clamp function.

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