
lexcmp(x, y)

Compare x and y lexicographically and return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether x is less than, equal to, or greater than y, respectively. This function should be defined for lexicographically comparable types, and lexless will call lexcmp by default.


Sure! Here are some code examples for the lexcmp function in Julia:

  1. Compare two strings:

    julia> lexcmp("apple", "banana")

    This example compares the strings "apple" and "banana" lexicographically and returns -1 since "apple" comes before "banana" in lexicographical order.

  2. Compare two arrays of integers:

    julia> lexcmp([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4])

    It compares the arrays [1, 2, 3] and [1, 2, 4] lexicographically. Since the third element of the second array is greater than the third element of the first array, it returns -1.

  3. Handle equality between two values:

    julia> lexcmp(10, 10)

    In this example, both values are equal, so lexcmp returns 0.

  4. Compare two tuples with mixed types:
    julia> lexcmp((1, "apple"), (2, "banana"))

    It compares the tuples (1, "apple") and (2, "banana") lexicographically. The first element of the first tuple is smaller than the first element of the second tuple, so it returns -1.

Please note that lexcmp should be defined for lexicographically comparable types, meaning the types being compared should have a defined ordering relation. If the types are not lexicographically comparable, an error may occur.

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