

Returns the index of the current worker into the pids vector, i.e., the list of workers mapping the SharedArray


In the Julia programming language, the function indexpids(S::SharedArray) is used to retrieve the index of the current worker within the pids vector, which represents the list of workers mapping the SharedArray.

Here are some examples of how to use this function:

  1. Get the index of the current worker:

    julia> using Distributed, SharedArrays
    julia> S = @distributed SharedArray{Float64}(10);
    julia> indexpids(S)

    This example shows how to obtain the index of the current worker for a specific SharedArray S. In this case, the result is 2, indicating that the current worker has index 2 within the pids vector.

  2. Use the index to perform task-specific operations:
    julia> function process_data(S::SharedArray)
              worker_index = indexpids(S)
              if worker_index == 1
                  # Perform some computation only on the first worker
                  println("Performing computation on the first worker")
                  # Perform a different computation for other workers
                  println("Performing computation on worker $worker_index")
    julia> S = @distributed SharedArray{Int}(4);
    julia> @distributed for i in eachindex(S)

    In this example, the indexpids function is used to determine the worker index within the for loop. Based on the worker index, different computations can be performed on different workers.

It's important to note that the indexpids function is specifically used with SharedArray objects and within a distributed computing context.

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