

Construct vector c such that b = conv(a,c) + r. Equivalent to polynomial division.


  1. Perform polynomial division:

    julia> b = [1, 0, -1, 2];
    julia> a = [1, 1];
    julia> c = deconv(b, a)
    3-element Array{Float64,1}:

    This example performs polynomial division of b by a and returns the quotient vector c.

  2. Handle rational coefficients:

    julia> b = [2//3, -1//2, 1//4, -1//8];
    julia> a = [1//2, -1//4];
    julia> c = deconv(b, a)
    3-element Array{Rational{Int64},1}:

    The deconv function can handle rational coefficients in the input vectors.

  3. Divide two complex polynomials:
    julia> b = [1+2im, 0, -1-3im];
    julia> a = [1im, 1];
    julia> c = deconv(b, a)
    2-element Array{Complex{Int64},1}:

    The deconv function works with complex polynomial coefficients as well.

Common mistake example:

julia> b = [1, 2, 3];
julia> a = [];
julia> c = deconv(b, a)
ERROR: Singular matrix

In this example, the a vector is empty, resulting in a singular matrix and causing an error. Ensure that the a vector is non-empty when using deconv.

See Also

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