
..  @code_lowered

Evaluates the arguments to the function call, determines their types, and calls :func:`code_lowered` on the resulting expression.



This macro evaluates the arguments to the function call, determines their types, and calls the code_lowered function on the resulting expression.


julia> function add_numbers(a::Int, b::Int)
           return a + b
add_numbers (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @code_lowered add_numbers(2, 3)
1 ─ %1 = (Base.add_int)(a, b)
└──      return %1

In this example, the @code_lowered macro is used to generate the lowered representation of the add_numbers function call with arguments 2 and 3. The resulting CodeInfo object shows the lowered code representation.

Note: The @code_lowered macro is typically used for debugging or understanding the lowered representation of Julia code.

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